A Thanksgiving Prayer
Almighty God,
We set aside this day as a day of Thanksgiving for Your bountiful blessing on our nation, our people, and our land.
From the first meal shared by the Pilgrims and the Native Americans, to the proclamation of a day of thanksgiving and prayer by George Washington, from Abraham Lincoln’s Thanksgiving during the Civil War to “heal the wounds of the nation” to the official designation of Thanksgiving as a holiday on the fourth Thursday in November signed by FDR, even until today, Your hand has been on us, and we thank You.
Your providence was on the founding, guiding imperfect men to create a nation and government never before seen on Earth. A nation where the rights given by nature’s Creator were established into law. The right to free speech and thought, to worship, to be free from government oppression.
And while those imperfect men did not hold those rights perfectly, Your word burned hearts to set men free, to keep the promise of America for everyone. Your hand guided us through a war to end the sin of slavery. You kept us together as a nation and a people.
Lord, you prospered us. You blessed our lands with harvest, our minds with innovation, and put us in a position to help the world when called upon. Whether in war or peace, it was You who provided for us so we could bless others.
By Your grace, we are a resilient country. You’ve brought us through tragedies, droughts, floods, and disasters. And we thank You, our Father.
Lord, we admit that we are not worthy of Your blessings. Not as a nation, not as individuals. And yet, You still pour them out on us. You provide for us.
Great and Wonderful God, please accept our humble thanksgiving on this day. Help us be a more grateful people. Help us recognize it is from You all good things flow. Help us help our fellow man with joy. Let thanksgiving be our natural state of heart and mind.
Thank You for all that You’ve done, all that You’re doing, and all that You’re going to do.