Originally when I thought about writing this after the Red Trickle, my mindset was “kumbaya, let’s get along!” Then after Kari Lake’s defeat and Liz Cheney’s “You’re welcome” tweet at Kari, my mindset starting to write was “stop being children; it is time to grow up.” But that is too condescending. So I landed somewhere in between. No condescension but no punch pulling either.
And because I hate those articles and opinion pieces that make you wade through endless crap when all you really want is the point, I’ll lead with it.
The bottom line is that pro-Trump/pro-DeSantis/GOPe/Right-leaning independents all need each other. It’s time to find common ground on the Right for the sake of America.
Either that or everyone shut up and just enjoy the ride to Hell in the handbasket.
Here’s the thing: no matter what group you’re in, I get it. I understand why you don’t like/don’t trust the other groups. Even groups I don’t like/don’t trust, I understand their position. And it’s time to start understanding each other’s position, because, quite frankly, all of them have good points, and we need all of you to win long term. (Except for the NeverTrump talking heads. We don’t need or want them.)
I could do pieces on each group, why they’re right and why they’re wrong, but that’s I didn’t really want to make this piece that long, so I will summarize each camp quickly.
Pro-Trump: Trump did what the GOPe could not or did not want to do: bring conservatism to the forefront of the conversation and fight back against the MSM/Democrat lies. He went on attack often and used his position as a bully-pulpit to get things done. He was a needed change from the career politicians more concerned about re-election and fundraising than governing conservatively.
Pro-DeSantis: A former congressman, DeSantis won the governorship and was popular in Florida across party lines before COVID because of how he handled issues. He was both pro-business and pro-environment, especially the Everglades. When COVID hit, he really began to shine. Reporters would try to play “gotcha” with him, but DeSantis was always ready for them, knowing the situation and facts before the reporters did. He pushed back hard, talked about freedom, and fought culture war issues the Left long had considered theirs. His winning the state by 20 points showed that his governance and countenance were both popular.
GOPe: The GOP is an established machine. On a local level, they have won races and filled state houses. Yes, the Dems just did that with a few states, but the GOP has been doing that a lot longer. They have cash. They have established characters, not all of whom are horrible for conservatism. A lot of people who couldn’t bring themselves to vote Trump for whatever reason are still conservative Republicans and want conservatism pushed.
Right-leaning independents: There are many conservatives long tired of the GOPe and their games but who still vote overwhelmingly Republican. I am one such voter. I cannot support them with my registration because I want them working for my vote by being in favor of conservative governance and policies.
I’m betting that as you read the descriptions, you said to me “You left out all the bad things that (insert group here) did or believes.” Yes. Because we need to get over it.
OnlyTrump will not win in 2024. NeverTrump will not win in 2024. OnlyGOPe will not win in 2024.
You ain’t gotta like it, but it’s the truth. And hold your “well but!!” Don’t care.
We either all get together and formulate a plan to win, to have each other’s backs, or we should all just give up now.
I’m not pushing for a lesser-of-two-evils candidate. I’m pushing for the Right to rally together like the Left does and find someone that may not be our first choice but who will push our conservative ideals forward. I’d rather vote for someone that I agree with on most issues than to vote for someone because at least they aren’t a Democrat. That ship has sailed.
I personally believe that now is the time to reshape the GOP, to tear down and remove those who are in it for the cocktail parties and not promoting conservative ideals. We don’t need to destroy the entire party, just take it over. We need to primary every candidate until they prove they are going to stand for conservatism. The base can control the future. But only if we put aside our purity tests and find common ground with each other.
Otherwise, the Left wins and the game is over.
Yes. My wish is for Trump to step back (age!!) and bring his people together with the other wings of the party. For the GOPe to get some balls and come up with a PLAN rather than just being against the Ds. For everyone to speak out against the tyranny of the last two+ years. So much to ask, though.
Yes. Yes. All of this. Yes!